Friday, February 14, 2025

20mm War of 1812 Second Phase Complete!

The second phase of Bill's Frying Pan & Blanket Amalgamated commission is based, sealed, and ready to pack for shipping! These 302 figures took around two months to finish.

UK 44th Foot

UK 85th Foot

UK 93rd Foot

UK Royal Marines

UK Rifles

UK Glengarry Light Infantry

UK Canadian Voltiguers

UK Royal Artillery

US Rifle Regiment

US Maryland Militia

US Maryland Militia

US New York Militia

US New York Militia

Whew! That was a busy spell at the painting desk. I am really enjoying these sculpts. Reach out to Bill by following the link if they pique your interest!


  1. Wonderful job Scott! Thank you!

    Phase 3 to be cast up next week.

  2. Replies
    1. They were a lot of fun to paint, and I love the look of them.

  3. Superb parade Scott, top notch work on some lovely miniatures.

    1. The sculpts are superb. Thanks for the kind words!

  4. The work is impressive and the regiments are very beautiful. I also have the armies from this war and have played many scenarios.
    Good luck and good game
