Monday, October 21, 2024

28mm Gauls: Light Infantry and Cavalry

The Commands and Colors system rewards a general who can make good use of his skirmishers. They are highly mobile, with the ability to move and shoot AND evade close combat. They cannot provide a killing blow, but they can wear down the enemy with missile fire and slither away from most attackers. I consider CCA's treatment of light troops to be the best I have seen in any game system.

The Gauls have a variety of light foot troops. Archers and slingers act just the same in the rules, with a range of three hexes. Javelinmen and light cavalry have a range of two.

The slingers were the only light troops I had painted for my first army. Everyone else here has come across the painting desk within the past two months.


  1. Quite impressive, Scott! When will we see them in battle?

  2. More great work on your Gallic army, super looking miniatures.
