Today I finished basing these, and I am happy to be able to share some photos with you.

I had painted most of these figures last week, but I was a fusilier shy (broken musket), and I wanted to add elite companies, so I spent a few more days at the painting bench. I know French line infantry of this period did not have integral voltiguer companies, but I want to be able to use these for other periods.
I honestly don't know how the historical wargaming world is not going crazy over these figures. If these are not the best sculpts I've ever seen, they are close. All the detail is there, and it is in sharp relief to ease painting. The poses are natural and they work well as a unit. The proportions are outstanding. I have nothing bad to say about these figures, and I hope sculptor Alan Marsh continues to produce miniatures of this quality.
If it reads like I'm gushing over these figures, well, they're just that good!
GMB Designs makes some beautiful flags for the Wars of the French Revolution. I've tried almost all the flag manufacturers, and GMB is still my favorite.
When I ordered my WFR flags, I snuck in a few for other projects. Here are the Front Rank legere from a couple posts back with a shiny new flag.