January has been a very productive month so far. Not only am I breezing through a lot of gaming miniatures, but I've been able to practice my armor modeling skills as well.
I built this DML Panther D with zimmerit toward the end of 2009. I used two airbrushes to put down the camouflage scheme: a Badger 250 for the big coat of dark yellow, and an Aztek A470 for the olive green and red brown.

I actually used Tamiya's "field grey" for the olive green, as it seems much closer to the actual color than Tamiya's "olive green."
After the three tone scheme was done, I gave the whole model a light misting of dark yellow again, this time holding my airbrush at a distance from the model. I think I had my dark yellow a little thick, as some areas got more of a spatter than a mist, but the washes, drybrushing, and weathering should calm that effect down a bit.
Now I'm moving on to the road wheels and skirts. Once they're done, I'll need to touch up the hull a bit. I can see from these photos that I left some ejector pin marks on the spare tracks, and I'll need to paint all the stowage as well.
Still, considering this is only my second time painting a model with an airbrush, I'd say it's looking pretty good.