Today I painted the shield designs, attached the shields to the figures with 30 second cyanoacrylate, highlighted the shield fields, painted the shield rims, and attached all the completed figures to their Field of Glory bases.

Tomorrow I'll finish the bases, but the figures themselves are done! I spent one day prepping and priming the figures and six days painting them. In
my last project, I only counted the days spent painting, but this time I counted the hours too.
During the first day, I spent two hours getting the figures ready to paint. Over the next six days, I spent a total of 12 hours actually painting the figures. This works out to five and a third figures per hour, or about 11 minutes per figure. These Libyan spearmen are not as well painted as
those for my WAB army, but they'll do.
It's worth emphasizing that there's no way I could sit down and paint one 28mm figure, start to finish, in 11 minutes. The only way I can paint at this rate is through economy of scale.
With these two units of heavy infantry, my FOG Carthaginian army is nearly done. Only three stands of generals remain to complete.