Well, I'm back to work on another commission, again for Glenn Drover, and again for ACW figures in 28mm. This is a much smaller commission, allowing Glenn to fill out his armies a bit. I'll be painting 72 infantrymen and 26 casualty markers.
I'll be breaking the work into three stages. First I tackle the Confederates, who with their motley dress are always more difficult to paint. My blog has been awfully quiet recently, so I'm putting up some in-progress shots of the rebels. After a little more than a week of work, this is what I have done.

I'm nearly done; I just have the blanket rolls and skin highlights to do before I move on to touch-ups. Below you can see some close ups of some of the figures. Please keep in mind that the figures are between four and eight times actual size (depending on your monitor) and that I haven't done my touch ups yet, but I think you can see where I'm heading with these.