Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 in Review

 This was another year of painting for others. I finished two commissions for Glen, two for Carl, and two for Kevin.

I have included the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge points in brackets with my total below.

28mm Board Game, 511 (2,555)

28mm Foot, 402 (2,010)

28mm Mounted, 31 (310)

28mm Guns, 6 (120)

28mm Elephants, 2 (40)

15mm Foot, 474 (948)

15mm Mounted, 289 (1,156)

15mm Guns and Limbers, 34 (136)

That gives me a total of 7,275 points on the year, against a sixteen year average of 5,965, so this year was 22% above normal.

2023: 7,275

2022: 7,128

2021: 4,965

2020: 7,953

2019: 6,285

2018: 5,072

2017: 7,187

2016: 5,086

2015: 4,506

2014: 4,327

2013: 5,456

2012: 5,787

2011: 4,081

2010: 7,167

2009: 4,348

2008: 8,816

The gaming group activity really picked up toward the end of the year, mostly Commands and Colors Ancients on my new table. I have loved the game since I first played it, and the other fellows like it well enough to indulge me.

For 2023 I plan to cut back the commission work and focus on expanding my 28mm ancients armies. I would like to play some Commands and Colors Ancients scenarios from the Greek / Macedonian / Persian wars. Right now I am working on six Persian auxilia units.

Blogger is showing its age as a hosting platform. I am able to sign in and write posts, but my something about my browser keeps me from commenting! I do indeed see and read all comments, but I usually get an error message when I try to respond. After sixteen years on Blogger, it may be time for a change.

Happy New Year, my fellow gamers!


  1. Once again, amazing output, Scott. I am sure you can unstick blogger with the correct setting changes and a few incantations. We can probably figure it out.

    Hopefully, we can keep the F2F gaming moving forward in the New Year.

    1. If I use Chrome, apparently I can comment. I usually use Brave.

  2. That is one heck of a lot of painting, Scot! Glad to see you getting in more games, and perhaps painting some more troops for yourself in 2024!
    One of my freind also cannot comment on his own posts. Weird are the ways of Blogger at times!

    1. Yes, it has been frustrating. I think I found a way, though.
