Friday, January 19, 2024

28mm Achaemenid Persian Infantry: Kardakes

I need five units of medium infantry for my "Commands and Colors: Ancients" Persian army. These three units from Old Glory, added to the Foundry that Jon gave me for Christmas, complete the list.

I have really been enjoying painting these Old Glory sculpts. The figures really come to life with a little paint on them.

It has also been a ton of fun just painting for myself the past few weeks. I have found a lot of freedom in just painting "good enough" and cranking through the figures.



  1. Painting should be relaxing and enjoyable. How do the Foundry and Old Glory compare? Do you have a preference?

    1. The Foundry are the better sculpts, for sure. I like that Old Glory has the drill-out hands for spears, though. It makes them feel more secure.

      The Foundry command figures are MUCH better than Old Glory. The OG standard bearers have odd hands that must be glued on.
