Friday, October 18, 2024

28mm Gauls: Warrior Infantry

 Another long term project that is coming to a close is my ancient Celtic army. This one started as a force for Warhammer Ancient Battles back in 2006. I had expanded the army for Field of Glory, which were a little fiddly for my group's taste. Now I have completed the army and can play any scenario in Commands and Colors: Ancients. 

Most of these warriors are leftovers from the first two iterations of the army. The base scenarios call for up to eight units of warriors. I have enough for 11 3/4 units here (47 bases).

Warrior units count as medium foot in Commands and Colors, but they have a couple of tweaks. They can charge two hexes into combat, they ignore one retreat flag, and they fight with reduced dice after they take their first casualty. The blue base edges denote "medium," and the white line in the middle marks them out as warriors.

Most figures are Old Glory, but there is a smattering of Gripping Beast in there. The Gripping Beast sculpts are no longer available, which is a shame, as they painted up very nicely.


  1. Cracking bunch of warriors, they look great, very nice work on them.

    1. Thanks! Nothing else looks quite as colorful as Celts!

  2. These look fab, Scott! Do you have a German Army too?
