Thursday, February 15, 2018

Giant Commission -- Anglo-Allied Commanders

The day has finally come.  It is done.  These command stands COMPLETE the Anglo-Allied army at Waterloo.

Prince of Orange

Duke of Brunswick

Earl of Uxbridge

Sir Thomas Picton

Viscount Hill

The Duke of Wellington with Somerset and Staff

Sometime in the next few days I will get pictures of the whole army arrayed for review.  I have a few hundred French to add to Glenn's army before this commission is complete, but we're getting close now.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jon! I just wish our group got to play with them! I will probably tackle some Napoleonics for myself soon. I have been counting out all my AB Miniatures, and I have a couple thousand of my own to paint.

  2. Woo Hoo!
    Waterloo campaign battles, here we come.

    These look as beautiful, detailed, and accurate as the rest.
    Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.

    1. This is an impressive collection, Glenn. You'll be the envy of all the other wargamers on your block!

  3. Lovely stuff here. I like how you've kept the officers uniforms looking bright even with your great shading layering techniques. The blue and red really set each other off on the large CinC base.

    1. Thanks, AJ. They photograph brighter than they are in real life. I think they will look great on the tabletop.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Christopher! They were fun to paint. I love all the little non-uniform touches on the commanders. The excellent "Les Uniformes pendant la campagne des Cent Jours - Belgique 1815" site was an indispensable reference.
