Friday, July 16, 2021

The Process Part Six: Detail Painting and Highlighting

As I wrote in the last post, block painting always seems to take the longest. Highlighting seems to go much more quickly. I don't know if it's completely psychological, but I do know that I enjoy this stage much more. Block painting those 468 figures took nearly two months. Detailing and highlighting these 78 Young Guard Voltiguers took only three days.

I start with Vallejo's "Old Gold" on the chin scales, shako crests, cartridge box crest, sword hilt, sabre-briquet scabbard stop, and jacket buttons.

The single most demanding color is white. I use Delta Ceramcoat's "Oyster White."

The epaulets, sword knots, cuffs, collars, and turnbacks get some bright highlights. The colors are Delta Ceramcoat's "Opaque Yellow" and "Medium Foliage Green" and Vallejo's "Flat Red."

I mix together DecoArt's "Prussian Blue" and "True Blue" for the jacket highlight. Delta Ceramcoat's "Cadet Grey" highlights the greatcoat roll and "Toffee Brown" highlights the bayonet scabbards.

The last highlight is Delta Ceramcoat's "Medium Flesh" on faces and hands. I finish by carefully examining each figure and touching up any over painting. All 78 figures are now ready for basing.

The next post will be about affixing flags and basing the two battalions.


  1. This has been a most interesting series of posts. Such stunning results!
    Regards, James

    1. I am glad you have enjoyed them, James! One more is on its way, either today or tomorrow. I am waiting for some things to dry before the final photos.

  2. My God: you are a machine!!! Loving this series!
