Saturday, November 27, 2021

My November

The blog has not seen any updates because I have been busy painting!  These 252 French line infantry are ready for detailing and highlighting!



  1. You have been very busy! I am always amazed at the quantity you tackle in one go.

    1. When there are a few thousand figures to paint, it seems necessary.

  2. THAT is a crazy number of figures to do at one time - we had a small debate on one of the blogs about this topic quite recently - most people seem to draw the line at a units worth, whereas I would be pushing it if I did more than a dozen figures at a time, I prefer to do them in bite sized, digestible numbers!

    1. It is tough to work through, but it is faster in the long run. Just the French army, which is half of this commission, has 854 foot, 361 mounted, and 22 guns. If I am to have any chance at getting that done within a couple of years, I have to bit off big chunks at a time.
