Thursday, August 16, 2012

Punic Wars Armies for Commands and Colors Ancients

Here are the completed figures.


Carthage's Italian Allies

Liby Phonecians



Rome's Italian Allies


All the Figures

Army Markers for Campaign Map


  1. Wow!
    A huge undertaking, executed perfectly.
    These two armies are so beautiful on the table.
    I'm so thrilled at the quality of the stands, and the completeness.
    I think there are troops of every type that should be present in a Second Punic War Army.

  2. They look amazing en masse - well done you!

  3. Fabulous work. A monumental amount of work must have really paid off seeing them all arrayed like that!

  4. Such a huge amount of beautiful figures. Amazing mountain of work there. Well done.

  5. Ok, this is the best C&C build ever. This counts as a lifetime achievement in painting. :-)

  6. It is indeed!
    And now that I have tabletop armies for C&C:A, I need to add some rules to optimize for tabletop vs. boardgame. The boardgame is awesome and finely balanced, so I do so with trepidation and care. I'll keep the core rules and add only a couple of things to adapt to a larger battlefield, more troops, and a slightly less bloody combat result. Here are the rules changes:

    MOVEMENT: All units are +1 movement vs. the original rules

    COMBAT: If a unit takes losses due to close combat, and they do NOT retreat, before they battle back they may roll to 'defend hits'. They roll dice equal to the number of hits they take plus an armor modifier. For each 'Swords' result on the defend roll, the losses are reduced by one.
    The armor modifier adds dice to the defend roll:
    Light Units = +0
    Medium Units = +1
    Heavy Units = +2

    Example: A Spanish Scutari unit (Medium)advances and attacks a Roman Principe unit (Heavy). They roll 4 dice and score 2 hits, but do not rol any flags. Before the hits are removed, the Roman player rolls 4 dice (2+2), and rolls one sword and defends against one hit. The Roman Principe unit takes one loss and battles back with five dice. The Roman player rolls three hits and one flag. The Scutari unit had no support and so must retreat and take all three hits.

    Generals affect only the unit that they are stacked with for support and combat benefit, while Army Commanders affect units in their hex as well as all adjacent hexes.
    When leaders are removed as casualties, the owning player's Command Card Deck (and Command Rating) are reduced by one rather than awarding a Victory Point to the opponent.

    Light Infantry may not evade cavalry.

    I will be replacing the Left-Right-Center Cards with 'General' Cards. General Cards allow the player to command a certain number of units in a radius around any General (with a larger radius for Army Commanders). The idea is to move away from the restrictive nature of the current card system while still rewarding the player for planning ahead (creating a deck strong in cards that they can use in sequence to execute their plan).

    I will also be creating special unit cards that give certain units a special attack. (Examples: Gallic Frenzied Charge, Spanish DoubleTime, Numidian Move-Fire-Move, Punic Surprise Attack, Roman Triplex Acis). If a player has the card that cannot use it, there will also be a number in a circle in the upper right corner that is the number of units that may be ordered.

  7. That's a very impressive army! A great game, C&C.


  8. Great stuff. I like the patterns on the gauls.

  9. Just posted my pictures on my blog.



  10. wow thats a lot of figures and all painted to such a high standard as always you are a painting machine

  11. A fabulous army, great work!!!
