Bill Nevins of King's Mountain Miniatures was kind enough to send me some samples of his range. These 28mm figures are specifically intended to portray the 71st Foot "Fraser's Highlanders," who wore the Scottish bonnet throughout the war. Troiani writes that they wore tartan trousers throughout the war as well, but I did not have the nerve to attempt the pattern on these figures.
Sculpted by Alan Marsh, these are beautiful figures. I've spent a lot of time over the past six weeks painting British button lace; these figures have the best defined lace I have found, making them very easy to paint. In fact, every detail on these figures seems designed with the painted in mind. Crisp, prominent relief on straps, cuffs, turnbacks, even cap lace, made these figures a joy to paint. I finished these three figures in about two hours.
Old Glory (Second Edition), King's Mountain, Perry
King's Mountain, Fife & Drum
The figures are a good match for existing ranges. Their height is perfect, and their bulk falls somewhere between Perry and Old Glory.
I think it's time to order a regiment for my collection.