Sunday, May 31, 2009
May Painting Totals
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Second Edition Old Glory Napoleonic Austrian Infantry

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Front Rank 28mm German Grenadiers
28mm Thessalian Cavalry

WAB actually depicts the Macedonian cavalry wedge as a distinct formation. All my figures are on Litko wood bases, but I glue a Wargames Accessories metal sheet to the bottom of each Litko base. I then cut myself a suitable movement tray out of basswood and affix some of Wargames Accessories' sticky back magnetic sheeting to the top. The end product is sturdy enough for the wargames table, but it still looks sharp.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1809 Game

Thursday, May 7, 2009
HäT Industries 28mm Napoleonic French Legere

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
28mm Foundry Hoplites FS
I started my Greek army intending to use Foundry hoplites, but I liked the Crusader figures so well that I'm using them instead and offering these for sale.
These are a mix of Foundry packs. I've provided links to images of the figures.
28 armored hoplites attacking link
13 armored hoplites at the ready link
44 shields
16 armored hoplites attacking
I could not find these last on Foundry's site. They are a little smaller than the other 41 hoplites, and their shields are a little larger. I suspect that these are one of Foundry's earlier sculpts that they have since withdrawn.
I'll also throw in 16 Little Big Men shield transfers in eight different designs.
I'm asking $1 USD apiece for these figures plus $5 USD for Priority Mail shipping, so $62 USD for the lot of 57 figures. Leave your email address in the comments here, contact me through the email link, or email me directly at smacphee at verizon dot net.
28mm Old Glory Punic Wars Romans FS
These are the odds and ends remainders from my WAB army. All of the figures are bare metal. These are nice sculpts, but I have all the Romans I need for the moment. PPR-1 Hastati link PPR-2 Principes link PPR-3 Triarii link PPR-4 Foot Command link PPR-7 Italian Infantry link I'm asking half retail ($.50USD per figure) plus $5 USD for Priority Mail shipping, so $62 USD for the lot of 114 figures. Leave your email address in the comments here, contact me through the email link, or email me directly at smacphee at verizon dot net. |
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Crusader Greek Hoplites