Yesterday morning I finished up a small commission of WWII vehicles for a local gamer. The models are all from Company B. They have resin bodies with metal accessories.
The molding on the vehicles was crisp, and the resin was almost free of bubbles. There was some considerable flash which took a while to clean up. I would highly recommend Company B as a source of vehicles for your 28mm WWII armies.
I started the painting by airbrushing Tamiya's "desert yellow" over the vehicles. I then airbrushed Tamiya's "JSDF brown" on the areas of the vehicles that would have had dirt buildup. I finished by airbrushing Tamiya's "buff" very sparing to show the effects of desert dust and sand.
After the Tamiya paints cured for a couple of days, I painted the tire rubber flat black. Next I airbrushed a coat of clear gloss over the vehicles, then applied a wash of burnt umber oil paint. After a few days' drying time, I mixed my own desert yellow from oil paints, then applied a pretty liberal drybrush over each vehicle.
I then mixed a chip color from black and orange oil paints and silver enamel paint. I used a torn sponge to apply chips to areas of the vehicles that would have seen the most wear. Then I moved on to the figures. I block painted the uniforms with Vallejo acrylics, applied another oil wash over the clothing, and picked out the hair and flesh with my usual craft acrylics.