Another week has passed, and another chunk of the commission is complete. This week I finished the Spanish cavalry, 16 horse in four units.
All figures are Renegade. The riders have a wide variety of poses, but all the horses are the same casting, so I varied the horse colors so that no two horses in any unit are the same.
Last week I wrote that the Caetari most likely came from the lower orders and so got a variety of earth colored tunics. The Spanish cavalry were most likely nobles, and so they get off white tunics. These men were, if not quite professional warriors, at least semi-pros. The individual shields still show their tribal roots, but the more uniform tunics and horse tackle indicate a first rate fighting unit. These guys did routinely smash the Roman equites, after all.

And here is where I am after about a month of serious painting. I have now finished about 1/6 of the total commission, which means I should be done sometime in March or April! I wish I could find a way to speed this up, but now that I have two kids I really have less than half the time for painting.
Next week I'll be finishing up the Spanish contingent by painting five units of Balearic slingers and two units of archers.