Fire and Fury has long been my favorite wargame. It was the first set of rules I ever played, way back in 1997. I bought my first metal miniatures for the game. My 15mm ACW armies are still some of my favorites. Every time I play Fire and Fury, I'm amazed anew at how smoothly the system plays and how well it balances tactics and luck. Sound strategy is generally rewarded, but the rules allow for the flukey events that define Civil War combat for me. Even the best plan can fall apart if the brigades don't roll well, and even the most suicidal attack has a slim chance of success.
When I was looking for a good set of tactical World War II rules, I tried quite a few sets before settling on Fire and Fury's Battlefront: WWII, which I thought gave the best feel for the period and most rewarded period tactics.
So it is with keen anticipation that I've been following the development of Fire and Fury: America's Wars, the regimental adaptation of the classic rules. It looks as though the rules will be released early in 2010.
Austin, Don, and Scott R. have played through a scenario using the free downloadable copy of the rules, and they liked them. They did have an aesthetic concern about the game, though. In these rules, regiments can be deployed in a single or double line, but double line is the default. So each base represents one rank of men. With our large Fire and Fury bases (1"x7/8"), a double line doesn't look like a line of battle, but like a supported line.
Austin suggested that we rebase some of our men with very little depth to make the regiment look better when deployed in two ranks. He settled on 25mm frontage by 15mm depth. I ordered the appropriate Litko bases last week, they arrived yesterday, and I started rebasing.
The figures you see below are the result. Each stand represents 40 men in the rules, so these are 280 man Confederate regiments.

Yes,Fire and Fire was and still is the best set of rules for fighting Brigade level ACW.(well, ACW period)
ReplyDeleteIt was my first set of historical rules I started with as well.I still own the original copy with the stunning pictures that if I remember correctly started full color pictures in wargames rules outside of fantasy.
I also own the following Eastern and Western scenario books.
I haven't given up the dream of fighting Gettysburg and Antietam someday,but the amount of miniatures and terrain to do this is still beyond me.
I was playing a few games up to as recent as last year,but I've been side tracked this year.I plan on resuming some games next year.
As usual,your mini's look nice btw.
I still haven't been able to replicate their amazing streams as featured in the main rulebook!
We played a ton of Fire & Fury for about 3 years starting with it's publication. A few in our group still play F&F regimental. It's a great set of rules. Recently many of us are switching over to Volley & Bayonet, more because we use that set of rules for all of our other black powder periods than because we don't still like F&F. You'll be quite happy with F&F. Just expect to be surprised by the outcome of some melee and movement rolls. D10s are prone to some wild results.
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
I'm ready to play!
ReplyDeleteIt is also nice to see an ACW unit advancing in a disciplined manner and not whooping, hollerin' and shooting all over.
Thanks for the heads up on Regimental F&F - I'm conducting a search for the "perfect set of ACW rules" even as we speak so your timing was spot on.... even more so as I'd discounted the original F&F as it was not at the operational level I wanted to use ie. regimental...
ReplyDeleteYour boys have their "dander up"!!
ReplyDeleteThe figures look great!
Don, they're old, old figures, but I'll probably paint figures from our current project the same way. I like cranking out ACW figures a hundred at a time!
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