Two days left, and it looks like I'll finish on time. Today I finished the bronze armor, tidied up the brown sword straps, and applied the linothorax main coat to 2/3 of the men. All that's left on these figures are the linothorax on the remaining third, the highlight of leather equipment, and the tunic highlight. Then I'll paint the shields and call it done!

They're shaping up nicely! Congratulations on catching up on the progress. Other than the shields you've got most of the hard work done!
ReplyDeleteGreat work Scott. You paint your 28mm like I do my 15mm, lined up on sticks. I paint my 25-28mm on little blocks. Do you think your quicker on those sticks?
ReplyDeleteI use sticks for 15mm, 5 on a stick if they're similar poses, 4 if they're different poses. For 25mm I glue them on top of soda bottle twist-off caps. I find the round caps make rotating the figure easier.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I never thought of using sticks for 28mm figures. Maybe Scott's on to something here.....
Lawrence, I absolutely think that basing the men on sticks makes me faster. By gluing identical poses on the sticks, I can attack four figures from the same angle at the same time. For example, rather than try to paint all the linothorax highlights for each figure in turn, I am able to paint a part of the armor for four figures at once, then another part, and so on. It lets me paint four figures as fast as I could paint two individually based figures.
ReplyDeleteWell with that siad i will have to try it with my next set of Vikings. Thanks Scott. Have a Happy Easter!